Meet Haley: OT

How did you hear about T2K, and why did you join our team? (what makes us different?)

I first heard about T2K through a former co-worker, who enthusiastically expressed to me how valued she feels at T2k. I’ve only been in the field of OT for 3 short years however I have learned quickly what I personally value in a company; mentorship, teamwork, education, wellness, balance, support and leadership. Considering all these things, as well as doing extensive research about the company, I felt I should at least interview because it seemed personal values and the company’s values could align well. One of my favorite quotes is “you are only as good as those around you” and since being at T2K, I can confidently hold truth to those statements. I am extremely lucky to work

for a company who cultivates a culture that supports my professional and personal goals as well as surrounds me with the best of the best therapists also seeking to reach their highest potential. Not only does Therapy2000 have internal CEU’s that helped me gain foundational clinical skills I need to provide my caseload with top quality care, but they also support and motivate me to seek out more advanced education which will expand my caseload and clinical abilities beyond what I knew could be possible. As therapists in the health care field, we know caring for our families and their children day in and day out can take a severe toll on our health too.

What I love about Therapy2000 is how they encourage balance and health through their wellness program. Working for a company who compensates and/or provides incentives for wellness such as paying for gym memberships, car detailing, chiropractor appointments, manicures and pedicures, and whatever that may look like for you to take care of yourself is a huge reason I chose Therapy2000.

I firmly believe we are only capable of taking great care of our families if we first show compassion and care to ourselves. Therapy2000 invests in the employees, which is why it has some of the most well-rounded, inspirational, selfless, kind-hearted therapists.

We're Hiring Therapists

If you’re a therapist looking to take your career to the next level, explore all the T2000 career opportunities.

We’re looking for candidates who are ready to bring their expertise to our team and strive to provide the very best service to our clients.

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