Children's Milestones

How do we measure your child’s milestones?

Our licensed therapists will work closely with you and your child to ensure they are meeting developmental milestones in a timely manner.  We use knowledge of childhood development, parent reports, various scales and standardized tools as part of each evaluation.  Following each evaluation, the therapist will take time to explain results and, if necessary, the suggested treatment plan.

18 Months of Age – 25% Intelligible
24 Months of Age – 50% Intelligible
3 Years of Age – 80% Intelligible
4 Years of Age – 100% Intelligible

Our therapists use information from you and performance on tools designed to evaluate how your child is developing skills expected for his/her age.

  • Vocalize with intonation
  • Respond to voices by turning head
  • Recognize friendly vs. angry tones of voice
  • Begin to babble
  • Produce a variety of different sounds
  • Bring both hands together
  • Grasps a rattle
  • Work to get a toy out of reach
  • Rake with fingers an object and pick it up
  • Bear some weight on legs when held upright
  • Sit without support
  • Roll over one way


  • Use one or more words with meaning
  • Understand simple directions with cues
  • Use 1-2 word questions (“where kitty?”)
  • Point to pictures in books when named
  • Clap hands or wave
  • Pick up a tiny object with any part of thumb and finger
  • Drink from a cup independently
  • Walk holding onto furniture
  • Stand alone momentarily
  • Bear some weight on legs when held upright
  • Sit without support


  • Demonstrate a vocabulary of 5-20 words; mostly nouns
  • Use a lot of jargon with emotional content
  • Follow simple commands
  • Stack 3-4 blocks
  • Place rings on a cone
  • Turn single pages in a book
  • Roll a ball
  • Walk backwards


  • Name familiar objects
  • Combine 2 words, especially noun-verb combinations
  • Have a vocabulary of 150-300 words
  • Use simple pronouns, such as I, me, you, my, and mine
  • Understand differences in meaning (stop vs. go, big vs. little)
  • Follow 2 step directions (Get the toy and give it to me)
  • Use words more frequently than gestures to communicate
  • Build tower of 6 blocks
  • Pretend to push a train made out of three blocks after watching an adult do it
  • String 1-4 large beads
  • One hand starts to be dominant
  • Hold crayon with whole hand
  • Imitate an adult making circular strokes or dots
  • Copy horizontal and vertical lines
  • Use spoon well
  • Turn a doorknob
  • Walk and run on full feet
  • Pull toys with strings
  • Climb on furniture and get back down
  • One hand starts to be dominant
  • Climb stairs holding on with two feet on each stair
  • Assist in dressing
  • Open doors


  • Use some plurals and past tense
  • Know at least three prepositions, such as in, on, under
  • Knows simple body parts
  • Use 3 word sentences
  • Demonstrate a vocabulary of 900-1 000 words
  • Understand most simple, concrete questions
  • Relate experiences in a logical manner
  • Answer reasoning questions, such as “What would you do if you were cold?”
  • Give gender, name, age
  • Snip with scissors
  • Complete 5-6 piece puzzle
  • Hold a crayon with three fingers
  • Copy circles
  • Draw a person with a head
  • Use a fork and spoon properly
  • Jump in place with both feet
  • Kick a stationary ball
  • Ride a tricycle
  • Stand on one foot for 2 seconds
  • Swing on a swing when in motion
  • Alternate feet while going up stairs
  • Put on some clothing
  • Wash and dry hands




  • Name objects in pictures
  • Understand ‘over’ and ‘under’
  • Participate in make-believe
  • Understand contrasting concepts, such as longer, large
  • Follow commands without cues
  • Answer questions about short stories
  • Build tower with 10 blocks
  • String small beads
  • Hold writing utensils with three fingers
  • Copy square
  • Draw person with head, feet and body
  • Dress and undress self independently
  • Demonstrate clear dominance in right-handed children
  • Hop on one foot 1-3 times
  • Play catch with a large ball
  • Have good control of a tricycle




  • Use descriptive words and understand simple time concepts, such as morning, night, day, later
  • Repeat sentences up to 9 words
  • Define common objects in terms of use
  • Follow three commands given without interruption
  • Use long sentences, including some complex and compound sentences
  • Demonstrate overall appropriate grammar
  • Build tower of 12 blocks
  • Build 3 steps out of 6 blocks
  • Draw angled lines and triangles
  • Draw person with head, body, legs and face
  • Color inside lines
  • Cut on straight line
  • Hold a knife in dominant hand
  • Button clothing
  • Walk in a straight line
  • Climb steps holding onto an object
  • Hop on each foot 3 times
  • Stand on one foot for 8-10 seconds
  • Ride a bicycle with training wheels
  • Swing by himself
  • Bounce and catch a tennis ball
  • Walk on tiptoes



  • Stand on one foot with eyes closed for 3 seconds
  • Walk on line in heel-toe fashion
  • Skip
  • Ride a bike without training wheels
  • Jump rope




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