Specialty Areas

Giving children the skills and abilities to enhance daily living

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology (AT) is an item or piece of equipment that can help a patient with tasks that they are unable to perform on their own. Assistive technology can aid patients with activities of daily living, improve quality of life and self-image, and increase social interaction and independence.

Our Assistive Technology Program focuses on ensuring that patients have appropriate seating, mobility, and communication systems as well as providing the patient with tools to access these systems. Our therapists help patients more effectively use the assistive technology equipment that they currently have or help them obtain new equipment to help them meet their needs.

Seating and Mobility

Patients with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, brain injury, spinal cord injury, spina bifida or other conditions that affect the ability to sit comfortably or walk may benefit from a seating or mobility system. Examples of seating and mobility systems include wheelchairs, walkers, and cushions.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

A communication system could be as simple as using a communication book containing symbols to a more complex computer-based system. Patients with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, apraxia, dysarthria, brain injury, or any other condition that causes them to be non-verbal, low verbal, or have unintelligible speech may benefit from a communication system.

Our AAC Specialists provide specific trainings and supports for our therapists so they can identify the right AAC system for your child. Our ultimate goal is for your child to develop a means of functional communication to participate in meaningful activities that build connection, socialization, and independence.

Assistive Technology (AT) & Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Patients with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, brain injury, spinal cord injury, spina bifida or other conditions that affect the ability to sit comfortably or walk may benefit from a seating or mobility system. Seating and mobility systems can be highly beneficial for children who have difficulty accessing their environment at home and in the community.

Our therapists can provide recommendations and assist with obtaining a variety of different equipment/assistive devices, including wheelchairs, walkers/gait trainers, standers, bath equipment and much more!

Some patients may need another piece of equipment to help them use their mobility system or their communication system. Examples of equipment that these patients may need include a switch, joystick, or special headrest sensors to access their wheelchair. A switch, head-controlled mouse, or even an eye-controlled camera may be necessary to provide access to a communication system.
THERAPY 2000 provides our therapists with access to specific trainings and mentoring as needed in identifying the right access option for your child.

Feeding and Swallowing Program

We offer skilled feeding and swallowing therapy with the most up to date, best practices. We partner with your medical team to provide direct, in-home therapy, select telehealth services, and education for caregivers, so you can be the best advocate for your child!
Your feeding and swallowing therapist will do their best to meet your child’s needs in the following ways:

  1. Ensure medical stability and the safety of your child – because safety is always our #1 priority
  2. Promote a positive feeding environment
  3. Identify structural and functional problems related to feeding and swallowing
  4. Promote positive feeding experiences for the mouth and the whole sensory system
  5. Ensure oral motor skill development
  6. Provide education and recommendations for what can be offered

Related Services

Pediatric Speech Therapy (ST)

There are many common disorders that may affect speech. Developmental delays often impact the way a child learns and develops speech and language. Often times this results in a child not yet speaking or not speaking clearly to others. When a child is not able to speak clearly to others, this may be due to an articulation disorder.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy (OT)

Pediatric occupational therapy (OT) supports children with skills related to activities of daily living. Activities of daily living (ADL) for children include, but are not limited to feeding, dressing, bathing, grooming, playing, and learning. These activities are vital to their daily function. In collaboration with caregivers, OT supports a child’s skill development to enhance engagement and participation. Changes to the environment or equipment may also be necessary to increase independence and quality of life for children and their families.