Meet Raylan: Patient Success Story

Raylan is a happy, energetic two-year-old who was referred for physical therapy to address significant motor delays.  He was eighteen months when initially referred to Therapy 2000 and was able to roll and army crawl using only his upper extremities. He was unable to sit on his or get in/out of sitting position as well as sustain on hands/knees in preparation for crawling.

Therapy began by teaching him how to use his body against gravity and activate his trunk.  One core exercise to increase trunk stability was acclimating to a standing frame.  Providing the tools Raylan needed to understand where his body is in space had incredible results. He took off! First, learning to short sit on a low stool, then sitting independently on the floor to play with his toys. The family was right on board with the home program, completing anything that was asked of them. Raylan’s parents were the foundational part of the equation for his success.

Raylan’s ability has rapidly progressed since learning to sit. He has not met a therapy challenge that he couldn’t conquer. Some things were difficult, especially for mom and dad to watch him struggle when things were hard; however, now he can 4-point crawl, transition to kneeling, pull to stand, and cruise along EVERYTHING in his house! We are working on independent standing so that he can take some independent steps soon.  PT sessions are focused on mobility, and recently trialed a posterior walker. In one session, Raylan took off and he looks great in it with good alignment and timing with his steps. As he is still making significant progress, we continue to treat at a moderate frequency of 2x/week. The family has been grateful to watch their little warrior thrive and be mobile enough to get into trouble! His favorite thing to do is raid the snack cabinet!

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