Meet Andrew, A Patient Success Story

Andrew is a delightful little boy who loves all things cars and trucks. When services started, he was 22 months old with a limited vocabulary of less than five words. Andrew’s parents were very concerned about his language and ability to communicate his wants and needs.

After the initial evaluation, the speech-language pathologist started with the basic goals of having him imitate syllables and modeling all via auditory bombardment with expansions. He was very motivated by songs and repetitious phrases during sessions. In addition, he loved when books were read to him and would attempt to read along during The Very Hungry Caterpillar book. For a home exercise program, the therapist emailed the mother the pictures, and she printed them out and checked out the book. Now he has his own copy and tries to read along and find the picture of what the caterpillar ate. Even though he still has a long way to go, Andrew’s vocabulary has gone from 5 to 100 words.  

Andrew is now two years and four months and is starting to say two-word phrases and request items during sessions. His tantrums have reduced significantly. Parents have reported that he wakes up babbling like he is having a conversation with them as well as attempting to talk about everything they do and see. His parents are reading more to him and using pretend play to enrich his imagination. This family lives in a very rural area, so any kind of therapy is not easy to access. When he was evaluated, his mother was concerned about his progress, and the speech therapist advised that it would take everyone working together to see the best results. The teamwork with the therapist and family helped Andrew to achieve amazing success!  

If you are concerned that your child may have a developmental disability, we are here to help. Some of the disabilities that we treat are:

  • Speech/Language Delay
  • Developmental Disability and Delay
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Down Syndrome
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Congenital Disorders/Injury
  • Neurological Disorders
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
  • and more…

Please contact us to set up an evaluation. Our highly trained and experienced therapists specialize in comprehensive therapy services such as pediatric occupational therapy, pediatric physical therapy, and pediatric speech and language therapy, offering a wide range of developmental therapy.

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