Jerre van den Bent, PT

Administrator/Owner/Chief Executive Officer

Jerre van den Bent, PT received his training as a physical therapist in his native Holland. He came to Texas in 1993, and has worked in pediatric home care since then. Jerre is passionate about the work that he does and is committed to supporting the families of the children he works with. In May of 2001, Jerre launched THERAPY 2000 out of the basement of his home. Since that time, THERAPY 2000 has become a thriving company providing in-home pediatric services to families across Texas. The company currently provides services to more than 1800 families with a workforce of almost 300 physical, occupational and speech therapists. Jerre is a passionate volunteer for the Texas Physical Therapy Association and the Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice TAHC&H). He serves on TAHC&H Political Action Committee Advisory Board. He has served as the North Texas District of the Texas Physical Therapy Association, as membership co-chair for the Texas Chapter and is currently serving as fundraiser for TPTA’s Political Action Committee. Jerre received TPTA’s President’s Award in 2008, and was honored in 2010 with TPTA’s highest honor, the Jeanette Winfree award, in recognition of the growth in membership that resulted of his leadership. Since 1997, Jerre has been active in the American Physical Therapy Association’s Health Policy and Administration Section, pursuing learning and growth opportunities through the LAMP (Leadership, Administration, Management and Professionalism) Institute. He earned his Certificate in Leadership development in 2011. In 2012, he became HPA’s first recipient of the “LAMP lighter Leadership award”. This award recognizes those individuals who have affected significant change through formal or informal leadership roles. Jerre regularly travels to Austin to meet with Texas legislators, advocating on behalf of the profession of physical therapy and on behalf of home based pediatric therapy. In his free time, Jerre can be found working in his yard, listening to opera, or pursuing his newest passion, sand volleyball. He has very recently started working on his new long term goal of becoming the dutch dog whisperer by training his two shepherd mutts, though truth be told, he is currently more of a dutch dog yeller than whisperer.

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