Meet Christopher: Patient Success Story

Christopher is a charming nine-year-old who loves music and especially playing the piano. He was previously diagnosed with Oral dysphagia, Chromosomal abnormality, Unspecified hydronephrosis, and Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder. When speech and feeding therapy were initiated, he was eating stage 2 baby food and taking very little liquid orally. His primary nutrition was overnight tube feedings with bolus water via tube during the day. He was in the process of working towards stage 3. Over the years he has overcome and worked through many trials including GERDs and other obstacles.

The primary focus for therapy has been increasing food textures tolerated as well as consistency of foods to expand food repertoire. Attention has recently focused on reducing night feeds to increase oral daily intake. Since transitioning to telehealth, Christopher has made substantial progress with increased family involvement and their ability to provide more support in the home. With his current success in therapy, frequency was also reduced from twice a week to once a week.

He is currently eating home prepared foods that are modified (chopped spaghetti/chicken and dumplings) and Gerber toddler meals. He is also working on sensory skills with crunchy foods and bread. After practicing with a honey bear cup, Christopher quickly picked up sucking and control of liquid flow and is now using an age-appropriate vessel in all settings. With support the family is working on reducing overnight tube feedings and he is doing great. Christopher is frequently asking to try new foods from caregivers’ plates. His most recent achievement was eating out at a restaurant with his family and being able to eat without food brought from home.

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